For example, if a new function is added to a source code and binary is created, verification that the source file and the binaries are in sync may be required. 例如,如果将新函数添加到源代码中并创建了相应的二进制文件,则需要验证源文件和二进制文件是同步的。
And the company says it is close to launching a new families-and-teams version that will make it easier to sync passwords between people who share, say, an Amazon or Netflix account. 该公司说,它即将推出一款家庭-团队版本的新管理器,让那些共用亚马逊(Amazon)或网飞(Netflix)等账户的人之间可以更容易地同步密码。
When you open the Briefcase again, drag the files out of the Briefcase, and then drag them in again to create a new sync relationship. 再次打开公文包时,将文件拖出,然后再拖入来创建新的同步关系。
According to Thilo Koslowski, carmakers are unlikely to invest in a new technology, since most of them already have services in place. Gartner的汽车分析师蒂洛·科斯洛夫斯基(ThiloKoslowski)表示,汽车制造商不大可能投资一项新技术,因为大部分汽车制造商都已经有类似的服务,如福特的Sync技术。
At this moment, my new working folder is completely in sync with the contents of the repository. 这个时候,我的新工作目录和库里的内容完全同步。
The index created for each row of data becomes the count because it was only incremented when a new row of data was found, meaning it is in sync with the amount of data in the string. 为每一行数据所创建的索引成为了计数器,因为每当新的一行数据加进来的时候,这个索引是唯一的增量,这也意味着计数器将与字符串数据的总量同步变化。
Browse for a folder, or click make new folder, and designate a new folder to sync to the version-controlled items. 请浏览文件夹,或者单击“新建文件夹”并指定要与版本控制项同步的新文件夹。
Along with EcoBoost, the new SYNC should be a key selling point for Ford going forward, as it looks to continue to swipe marketshare from GM, Chrysler, and the foreign automakers. 而SYNC系统也将成为福特车型的新卖点之一,使福特的车型在面对通用,克莱斯勒以及其它国外车型时具备更大的竞争力。
The calendar tool will allow new events and schedules to be added from the phone itself, rather than requiring a sync. 日历工具将许可新事件或日程直接从电话添加,而不需要同步。
No new repositories are needed when using Sync because all the data is stored in the existing ALM systems. 使用Sync不需要新的库,因为所有数据都保存在现有的ALM系统中。
Use your custom Rabbit phone to make new friends, sync your scores and become part of the underground rabbit revolution! 使用自定义兔手机结交新朋友,同步你的分数,成为地下兔革命的一部分!
The paper introduces a new method for making sync signal source in intelligent instrumentation. The microcontroller 8031 is used and table look-up technique with EPROM is taken, featuring with easy implementation, programmable frequency and high sync precision. 本文介绍一种在智能测试仪器中产生同步测试信号源的新方法,它使用一个8031单片机并运用了EPROM查表技术,具有实现简单、信号频率可程控、同步精度高等特点。
On this basis, a new type of the frame sync code-SB code ( Super-Barker-Code) is recommended. 在此基础上,向读者推荐一种新型的帧同步码组&SB码(超巴克码)。
Having analysed and contrasted the AFC circuit and the APC circuit, and then having tested and verified it through experiments, the writer advance a new viewpoint: the TV horizon scan sync circuit should belong to APC circuit, but not, as usual, AFC circuit. 作者通过对AFC电路和APC电路的分析和对比,并且通过实验加以验证,提出一个新的看法,认为电视机行同步电路,应属于APC电路,而不是通常所说的AFC电路。